Monday, April 28, 2014

Khmu Cosmos:

     The Khmu follow multiple religions including their main religion Animism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Under the main religion of Animism, there are spirits known as "hrooy" and  "hrooy hoo", which are refered to as the house spirit and the most powerful jungle spirit ( Most Khmu believe in multiple gods, not a single God, such as the gods of the rocks and mountains. Taboo is a key concept of this main religion and breaking this will result in angry spirits. Activities that involve breaking the taboo of the Khmu people include birth ceremonies celebrating children born feet first and  walking into one's house without the owners consent. If the child is born feet first, the family must sacrifice a pig, but if the child is born head first the pig is referred to as sacred.These are characteristics of most Mon-Khmur groups.

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